Toxic Sex Toys: What’s In Your Toy Box?

September 21, 2012 § 2 Comments

Sex toys, like cosmetics and vitamins, are unregulated. Consequently there’s some frightening stuff out there on store shelves and online stores. This is why I speak about these issues and try to help you become a more informed consumer.

This weekend I was fortunate enough to go to Catalyst Con in Los Angeles and be a part of a panel called Toxic Toys. Along side me was Metis of Tantus (makers of healthy for the body toys) and Jennifer of Smitten Kitten (the healthiest sex shop ever.) All three of us have been  activist around these issues and have worked hard to inspire change in the sex toy industry.

Because I do not manufacture or sell toys, I have been able to speak rather freely about the toxic toy issue. But whenever one tries to inspire change the first thing they are met with is “ridicule.” People work to demean the the person in an effort to discredit them. This has been Metis’ experience over the years.

The next response, after the truth becomes more evident, is “violent opposition.” The folks at Smitten Kitten have faced that head on and with heads held high.

And today, with the power of bloggers and the force of online communication between consumers, we are now moving towards a better stage of change. That being a bit of “accepted as self evident.” Some consumers are now expecting toys to be safer and healthier for their bodies.

There is still much work to be done, but all of us can be a part of the change. If you are a blogger, write about safer toys. Shun the toxic toys. If you are a consumer, buy products you can trust, from retailers you can trust. You’ll be healthier and a part of the movement to ensure more demand for the healthiest products.

Want to know more? I have a curated list of shops and manufacturers you can trust posted on the right sidebar of the main page of my blog. Metis has posted this insightful environmental study done in Denmark. And here is a video of Jennifer sharing her experiences:

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§ 2 Responses to Toxic Sex Toys: What’s In Your Toy Box?

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