Stone Cold Beautiful: Sex Toy Made of Rose Quartz

October 2, 2012 § 2 Comments

Sex toys are a passion for me… personally, in my work and as an activist. I teach about the history, current state and sex toy forecasts. There is little I love more than seeing cottage industry manufactures making healthy for the body toys and become real players in the world of pleasure.

Luminous Love Toys is one such company that is working to create insert-able, polished, rose quartz toys. They have an indygogo campaign to get their business off the ground. Complete with a totally heart felt and honest video of the two designers talking about why they decided to create their own toy.

Love smooth, solid g-spotting play? Purchase one in advance and let them know you like what they do.

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§ 2 Responses to Stone Cold Beautiful: Sex Toy Made of Rose Quartz

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