Iconic Legs, Ass & Vacuum

January 13th, 2012 § 4 Comments


It started in an empty office building near Union Square, NYC. The vacuum was not plugged in. I was not posing. I was just clearing the floor so we might have a set free of clutter.

The photographer was Mark Anthony Lacy. I was an East Village writer that was a sometimes muse for photographers and illustrators.

The photo was sent to Dian Hanson. Who I believe passed it on to Robert Crumb. Crumb likes a sturdy girl and went on to illustrate the photo. Which then appeared in Art & Beauty Magazine.

Early today I learned that it is now gracing the skin of some fine soul in the UK. Tattooed by Chelsea of Hello Sailor Tattoo Studio. Sounds like an awesome tattoo shop – with an all-female staff of artist.

You might also enjoy: Legs, Porn & Panties | Photo A Day | Taking A Break

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